August 19, 2013

புதிய பழமொழிகள்!

ஒவ்வொரு காலத்திலும் ஒரு சில பழமொழி வாசகங்கள் புதிதாகத் தோன்றி அவை நாளாவட்டத்தில் பழமொழிகளாக ஆகி இருக்கும்.
இன்றைய காலகட்டத்திற்கு ஏற்ற சில புதிய பழமொழிகளை உருவாக்கும் போட்டியை  நாலைந்து வருஷங்களுக்கு முன்பு ‘நியூ யார்க் டைம்ஸ்’  வைத்தது. வாசகர்களிடமிருந்து வந்த சுமார் 1200 பழமொழிகளைப் பிரசுரித்தது. அவற்றில் சிலவற்றைக் கீழே கொடுத்துள்ளேன்.

அதற்குமுன் --
தமிழுக்குச் சேவை செய்ய எண்ணி, நான் உருவாக்கிய சில தமிழ்ப் பழமொழிகளைத் தருகிறேன். அவற்றைப் படித்து ‘அனுபவியுங்கள்’!
* உன் ரிங்டோனைச் சொல்; நீ யார் என்று சொல்லுகிறேன்.
* ஒரு எஸ்.எம்.எஸ் அனுப்பினால் ஒன்பது தொலைபேசி அழைப்பு மிச்சமாகும்.
*பழைய கேபிள்; புதிய கனக் ஷன்.
*முளைச்சு மூணு இலை விடலை. அதுக்குள்ள முப்பது ஜி-மெயில் .
*இவனுக்கு எப்பவும் விண்டோஸே கதி;  அடுத்த வீட்டுப் பெண் WINDOW-லே!
*நேத்து பொறந்த பையன், கேக்கறான் பத்து வேலன்டைன் கார்டு.
* பையன் ஐ-பேட் (iPAD), பொண்ணு ஐ-ஃபோன் (iPhone); அம்மா மினி ஐ-பேட் Mini-iPAD), பேரன்- ஐ-பாட் (iPOD). பேத்தி-ஐ-டச் (iTouch), அப்பா:  I PAY!
* கெட்டிக்கார பொண்ணு கிட்ட BROAD-BAND இருந்தால் போதும்   HUS-BAND-ஐ வலை போட்டு பிடிச்சுடுவா!
இனி ‘நியூ யார்க் டைம்ஸ்’ போட்டிக்கு வந்தவை.
 Actions speak louder than tweets.
Where there’s a will there’s a lawyer.
If you can’t beat ’em, sue ’em.
You can take horse to a Bar but not make it drink beer
A pixel is worth 10 words.
Different keystrokes for different folks.
A stitch in time saves a trip to the dry cleaners – for alterations.
Don’t clone your chickens before they’ve hatched.
If you can’t say something nice about someone, blog about that person instead.
History retweets itself.
Live fat die young.
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t run Windows.
A ‘bama in the land is worth two of the Bush.
One man’s wine is the same man’s poison.
Friends, Romans, and countrymen: lend me your iPhone.
90% of inspiration is googlization.
Google is power.
Ask not what your newspaper can write for you, ask what you can write for your newspaper.
An Englishman’s home is his collateral.
A fool and his mortgage are soon parted.
Where there’s confusion, there’s profit.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away; a garlic a day keeps the dentist away.

Before going out with a new date, you should go ogle her. [Please leave the space between "go" and "ogle"!]
Blog about others; as others would blog about you
A penny saved is a waste of time. Neither a borrower nor a spender be;Laptop in morning, spill coffee while yawning. Laptop at night, ruin your sight.An iPhone in the hand is worth nothing in the bush.(i.e. the Australian bush)
Choose your vices wisely.
Rich or poor,it's nice to have money.
Possession is 9/10ths of the law, and occasionally a felony.
A man’s home is his hassle.
Good firewalls make good neighbors.
No pain, no weight loss
Don’t do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
One man’s weed is another man’s wildflower.
The family that eats together is old-fashioned
Don’t cross that bridge until it’s been inspected.
Give credit where credit is due, and then secretly jack up the interest rate.
Great minds think alike…but so do dumb ones…
United we spend, divided we fall into debt
Tweet and let tweet.
Absence makes the heart go wander.
A tweet in time saves nine.
First, learn to walk. Then you can take swimming lessons.
There is no truth – unless you see it on Facebook.
Where there's a will, there's a lawyer.
The masses are asses.
Penny wise…credit foolish
A man is known by the company he tweets.
Brevity is the soul of (t)wit(ter).
Remember: Team is meat mispelled backwards.
Familiarity breeds complacency, if not outright complicity.
Money is the root of all out-sourcing.
If you’ve got good health, you’ve got everything but adequate health insurance.
Wi-Fi on a plane is not as important as a parachute.
Everyone else’s ring tone is annoying.
A penny saved is not helping our economy.
An Apple a day keeps the Windows away.
Wall Street, the last refuge of scoundrels.
What I need is sleep. What I get is coffee.
A penny saved isn’t worth the trouble.
All’s well that ends without a lawsuit.
When its raining cats and dogs, a mouse should never go out.
Two email addresses are better than one.
Why put off today what you can wait until tomorrow to put off?
Home is where the cell phone is.
Long time no tweet.
Every dog has his blog
Money doesn’t grow in Banks
Opportunity only knocks when you are not home
Guns don’t kill people, it’s actually the bullet that does it.
A stitch in Time makes it hard to turn the pages.
Better single than sorry.
A   friend in hand is worth two-hundred in facebook
A little knowledge is a dangerously common thing around here.
If Time is Money, as it’s said, then I should be a billionaire. I have it plenty.
There is safety in teleprompters.
It’s better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
The early bird catches the worm, but what about the early worm?
Hard work never did anyone any good nor paid them much money 
Never layoff tomorrow who you can fire today.
Nothing is certain but death and tax hikes.
Beauty is in the eye of the lien-holder.
No pain, no capital gains.
You must always be honest, even if it means telling a lie once in a while.
Behind every great man is a scandal.
Drive like a fool, die like a fool
If it sounds too good to be true, at least your hearing aid is working 
This too, shall end up on You Tube.
In the future, everyone will have 15 friends on Facebook.
Beer: The solution to, and cause of, all of man’s problems.
Nothing is sacred, everything is holy.
Those who say “Words cannot describe…” should attempt to learn more words.
An Apple a day keeps Microsoft away!
Words are the enemy of thought.
A penny invested is a penny lost.
A man’s home is his ATM.  Now:A man’s home is his (financial) ruin.
Keep in Itouch
A person is known by the company he bankrupts.
Laughter is the uninsured’s best medicine.
I think therefore iPod.
Invention is the mother of necessity.
Every man has his price… on eBay.
Incoming asteroid: Luck or duck!
Time wounds all heels
Just when you think your winning the rat race along comes a faster rat”
There is nothing as permanent as a temporary solution.
Reach for the stars; you might make it to Mars.
Insure, ensure, assure.
People who live in glass houses should dress in the basement.
Laughter is the best medicine… soon to be bottled and sold by a pharmaceutical company.
Good Gates make good neighbors.
Opportunity is the mother of intention.
Before you criticize a man, make sure to mask your ISP address.
There are four kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, statistics and shareholder reports.
Once a situation is screwed…it can not be unscrewed
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched … y’might have some double yolks !

A single fact can spoil a good blog post.
Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is twittered.
Recession is nine tenths of the law.
Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you’ll be on cable news
All that Twitters is not gold.
A rolling stone is round
Don’t blight the land that feeds you.
You can’t tell a netbook by it’s cover….
Nothing ventured, nothing bane’d.
Facebook the music….
He who hesitates, loses nothing in the stock market.
History re-Tweets itself
Early to bed, early to rise makes a man. stealthy, wealthy and despised.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to re-Tweet it.
Watch your tongue when the cameras are rolling.
All that Twitters is not gold.
To see the future, look at the past.
A string of booty is a joy forever.
Virtue is its own punishment.
Transactions speak louder than words.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a stumble.
Long ago and far away were lessons learned apply today.
A man’s home is his hassle
A bird in the hand is a company sponsored health insurance plan
If the government were in charge of the desert, there would soon be a shortage of sand.
 “No good deed goes unpunished.”.
Everyone has a past; not everyone has a future.
When puns are outlawed, only outlaws will make puns.
A bad penny is better than no penny at all.
All that twitters is not gold.
Violence avoids unnecessary dialogues
A thousand mile journey begins with security screening.
In the Party of the blind the blindest man is king.
The tweet is mightier than the text.
Where there are tweets, there are twits.
Good things come to those who back subprime real estate.
You can’t teach an old dog new keyboard shortcuts.
Well behaved bankers rarely make money.
Those who can’t, tweet.
A tweet in the hand is worth two on the desktop.
A JPEG is worth a thousand tweets.
A penny saved is a penny burned.
Look before you tweet.
Brevity is the soul of tweet.
If you don’t succeed at first, try politics.
An Apple anyway keeps the PC crashes away.
All that glitters is not tweeter.
Beauty is in the eye of the beauty reality show judge.
Don’t change investment advisors in mid-recession.
All roads lead to traffic congestion.
An ounce of intervention is worth a pound of detention.
Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat the class in summer school
She’s a Jill of all trades.
Where there’s a will, there’s a fee.
Neither a mortgagor nor a mortgagee be.
Nothing dentured, nothing pained.
The road to wealth is paved with smart decisions.
You can’t judge Facebook by its cover.
Ask no questions, no one will tell you the truth anyway
A watched microwave never beeps.
The Internet is the mother of information
Too many books spoil the [Philip] Roth.
All’s fear in love and war.
When you get to the end of your rope, get another rope.
Idle hands are the revolution’s workshop.
For whom the roaming charges toll.
To errand is human.
The wheel within a wheel has been replaced by a folder within a folder.
Time wounds all heels.
The trends justify the jeans.
A penny saved is worth a lot more than a penny invested.
iPod? iPhone? iConquered!
A Wall street broker and his client’s money are soon parted.
Walk a mile in another’s shoes and he’ll still want them back.
If at first you don’t recede, retreat, retreat again.
One man, One vote, One Time.
The squeakiest wheel has the most friends on facebook.
The  proof is in the peephole.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it think.
The road to hell is paved with wrong detentions.
Intimation is the sincerest form of flackery.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away if you throw it hard enough.
An eye for an iphone and a tooth for a bluetooth.
A fool and his cell phone are seldom parted.
Chrome wasn’t built in a day.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him think.
There’s no business like slow business in a recession.
Be the change you want to have in your pocket.
TV watching is reading for illiterates
Google, and ye shall find
Every blog has its day.
Global warming doesn’t go out of style.
A penny saved is a penny lost on wall street.

If you have to ask how much it costs, you probably aren’t a New Jersey politician.
If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.
It’s always darkest right before you pay your past due electric bill.
Treat the world like your best friend.
It’s not worth crying over spilt mortgages.
A bird in the brain is worth two in Bush
A man’s home is his foreclosure
An espresso a day keeps the yawning at bay.
Absence make the heart go wander
A friend in need is a friend in dread.
In the midst of life we are in Twitter
Your cup is neither half empty nor half full, it’s twice as big as it needs to be.
 “All that twitter is not gold.”
 When the going gets tough, the tough throw out the Constitution.
Laughter isn’t the best medicine, but it may be the only medicine you can afford.
There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and CIA reports.
Invention is the mother of necessity.
Artificial intelligence is to intelligence as artificial flowers are to flowers.
Husbands abhor a vacuum.
Why did they call it the Last Supper? Because after that they called it Dinner.
Never talk to strangers, even if you know them.
What hath God overwrought?
People’s cross words are a puzzle to me.
A man he works from sun to sun
A woman’s work is never done, Because she’s always on the phone
An idealistic person who likes to tell puns is “quipsodic.”
Money cannot buy happiness, but it can rent it.
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls and do not volunteer for anything.
Ignorance is wasted on the young.
Never look a gift husband in the mouth.
He wanted to become a Fulbright scholar but couldn’t do it because he was only half-bright.
All men are cremated equal.
On what grounds do you claim that your coffee tastes the best?
A sign in Heaven—“No Smoking.” A sign in Hell—“Smoking.”
Too many cooks spoil cable TV..
A penny saved, is a penny
Everyone’s entitled to my opinion.
Borrowing can be harrowing.
Internet ritual become habitual.
To truly see yourself as others see you, self-Google
Home is where the iPhone is.
Home Tweet Home
The most money I’ve ever made are deals I haven’t done
Nothing brings people together like IGNORANCE.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a fuel surcharge.
Unwelcome relatives usually are persona non grateful
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single MapQuest.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but text messages shall never hurt you.
Capitalism is the best form of human progress except when it is left to Wall Street.
Stop postponing the procrastinator’s meeting.
Never put off until tomorrow that which you can put off until next week.
An Obama in the hand is worth ten in George W Bush.
Nothing is as uncommon as commonsense.
Every blog has its say.
All that twitters is not gold.
You can lead a student to knowledge, but you can’t make him think.
Today is yesterday’s future.
Time waits for no modem.
I would like to be someone who would like to be me.
He may be a prisoner of his own mind.
The way to a man’s pocket is through his outstanding, unpayable principal and outrageous interest.
Where there is money, there is greed. Where there is greed, there is money.
Money corrupts. Enough money corrupts just enough.
Always show restraint of pen, tongue, email, facebook, and twitter.
Cast not your pills before swine flu.
An Apple a day keeps Microsoft at bay.
A pound of prevention is better than an ounce of war.
Practice makes perfect loopholes.
Common sense” is an oxymoron.
Let Tweeting blogs lie.
I don’t remember who wrote this,  and don’t care. I like it.
A watched computer never boots.
To purr is inhuman; to have nine lives, feline.
You can’t judge an e-book without a cover.
Bloggers can be losers.       
What good is having your cake if you can’t eat it?
To err is human but it feels divine.


  1. அப்பப்பா.... எவ்வளவு புது மொழிகள். ஹையா.. இவற்றை அவ்வப்போது பதிவுகளில் உபயோகிக்கலாமே. பகிர்வுக்கு நன்றி ஐயா.

  2. வாசிக்க வாசிக்க மொழி பிதுங்குது..


............உங்கள் மேலான கருத்துகளை வரவேற்கிறேன்!